As a multinational team of foreigners in a foreign land where they have foreign languages, we understand that people who visit our blog might possibly have contact with foreign language too. It might also be that they are completely stuck because they have only just started learning said foreign language and they might have an important laundry list to decipher or something. So, we are going to offer our help as translators.
What languages we can work in:
English (Native level)
Japanese (JLPT 1 level)
Chinese Mandarin (Native level)
What we do:
Tweets, e-mails, blogs, letters, documents, essays, scripts, stories, screenplays, transcripts, song lyrics etc. Try us! We think we can handle anything. We can even translate and subtitle videos.
What we charge:
We will happily work out a charge based on your country and local currency. Expect something like $1 USD for 10 words as a base charge, but prices will vary based on circumstance, such as document size, language and output (e.g. writing an email will be substantially cheaper than handwriting a document, or subtitling a video, for example, and individuals will be charged less than companies). Unfortunately, for the time being at least, we can only accept direct bank transfers or Western Union payments. We hope to use paypal in the near future if we finally succeed at getting a Japanese credit card.
How to start:
Simply send us an email query. That's (our blog name) Make sure to include 'Translation' in the subject field
English (Native level)
Japanese (JLPT 1 level)
Chinese Mandarin (Native level)
What we do:
How to start:
Simply send us an email query. That's (our blog name) Make sure to include 'Translation' in the subject field
Other Translators
Not only that, but we will also provide an up-to-date list of other translators who will also be able to help you. So, if we are too busy or you prefer the look of someone else, feel free to contact them for your translating needs!
If you can offer translating services, contact us with a short intro, contact info and a picture (such as your twitter pic will do), and we will be glad to add your name to the list.
Before the list, a quick warning. We at Sakura Panda Tea Time cannot claim responsibility for anything beyond initial contact with translators who aren't us. We just provide you with first contact, the rest is up to you. So please don't come whining to us if one of our friends should steal your lunch money. Not that they will... I don't think.
Contact information is written with spaces to avoid bots. Please remove spaces after copying and pasting the addresses to your mail.
Contact information is written with spaces to avoid bots. Please remove spaces after copying and pasting the addresses to your mail.
The List
Aimi Nakano - CONTACT: amy.n0727 @
"I'm not a professional translator yet. but I have translated articles, interviews, website contents, and documents both Japanese into English and English into Japanese as a volunteer for several years. One of my latest works is English pages in the official website of the Osaka European Film Festival."
"I'm a patent translator. I also translate business letters, songs, legal documents, short films, IT and so on. Feel free to contact me on Skype"